Lead your organisation to its full potential

How I Help

Winning strategy
Enabled organisation
Value-adding leadership

Strategic Facilitation and Development

From initial discussions, to facilitation of sessions creating involvement and insight, to designing and setting up initiative and operational leadership structures to see it delivered.

What’s different?  A method of strategy that takes into account the crucial actors in the environment to create clear manouevres that will see the intent of the organisation delivered. No cliched statement with a list of projects. Actual strategy

Work Design and Management:
‘Circle Work’ and the ‘Project Factory’

Tailoring and implementation of an operational and initiative management approach that creates agility, integration and buy-in throughout a Division or organisation.  This creates a regular cadence  for optimising today, improving the whole system, and moving toward tomorrow is created.  End result?  Increased throughput of both projects and operational outcomes.

What’s different?  The methodology is designed to create mindset and cultural changes as it creates better decisions around the work itself.   And works within the existing org design.

Organisational Talent Reviews

Tailoring of a process designed to create a wide view of the current and future talent available in the organisation, with subsequent conversations and creation of development plans to ensure future capability needs are in place.

What’s different?Use of deep and validated models of human ego maturity along with an understanding of ability to handle complexity to create a simple yet powerful view of organisational talent

Team Performance Lift

Working directly with a team, this process provides insight and reflection onto the very dialogue the team is having, the nature of the problems it is solving, and how they get in their own way.  Changes that are surfaced sees authentic dialogue from differing thought patterns emerge, leading to better and more supported decisions.

What’s different?  Using the Leadership Maturity Profile tool creates deep insight into personal and team values, coupled with latest thinking on dialogue types and complexity thinking.

Organisational Design and Restructures

First…a discussion to ensure there is not another way (restructures are surgery!), to facilitating a process with sufficient involvement to create a new design of roles that is required for the work then setting up ongoing practices to see results through.

What’s different?  The level of involvement in combination with deep knowledge of how structures impact behaviours which allows the team to be part of the journey as much as possible.

Cross-Functional Integration

Particularly useful for support areas such as P&C, IT, Strategy and Improvement/Innovation, this process allows the surfacing of both the necessary role relationships to create a foundation, along with mindset changes to improve personal relationships and working together. 

What’s different?  Expertise applied in a common sense way in terms of cross-functional organisational design at the same time as gaining a deeper knowledge of what needs to happen to form genuine working relationships

Divisional, Organisational, Team Reviews

Starting from an initial discussion on what’s just ‘not right’ in a given area and the possibilities that could be realised,  the review provides recommendations and actions based on deep insight gained from interviews and analysis of performance information, structure and capability.

What’s different?  An all-quadrant approach covering mindset, behaviours, systems, structure and culture provides holistic solutions that integrate tangible and intangible needs.

Individual Leadership Coaching

From initial discussion to establish underlying need and reason for change, to providing deep insight and reflection on current and potential value-add to identifying and supporting the implementation of changes that see better work delivered by a team that is more committed.  I use a powerful tool known as the Leadership Maturity Profile to kick-off focussed and lasting change.

What’s different?  A focus on both internal mindset shifts as well as design and application of external leadership systems and structures to create both internal and external changes.

Cultural and Mindset Change

From initial scans to identify the range of value systems, to engagement and involvement to ensure change ‘with’ not ‘to’, then changing systems, structure and behaviours to create movement toward the new value systems.

What’s different?  A deep view of the ‘values code’ that sits behind behaviours, then integration of systems structures and behaviours seeing change on a fundamental level well beyond the standard truisms on the posters and coffee cups

Leadership Programs

Most recently designed program included the modules:

  • Personal organisation and accountability

  • Authentic working relationships

  • Team leadership practices

  • Work system improvement

  • Team and cross-functional structure

  • Facilitating change in work and culture

  • Developing and managing projects

Course feedback

Ratings on overall workshop, facilitator, making difference to work and recommend to others are consistently >4.5 out 5

Examples of comments:

  • A great mix of introspective, relationship building and practical elements that you can put into use quickly

  • I found it very helpful in my workplace already, but I believe that moving forward, it will be used daily

  • This was a wonderfully mind-opening exercise. A great way of enabling us to learn but also think practically about our own situation

  • Adam was fantastic. Wealth of knowledge but most importantly, very real

  • He made sure that everyone was involved and felt valued. His knowledge was exceptional.

  • This made so much sense! Adam took us through theory fast but skilfully in a way that did not feel like he was pushing through a list of content

  • The workshop was amongst the most valuable uses of time that I can remember of late. Very engaging, thought provoking and insightful

  • There are many tools (learnings are diverse) providing opportunity for people from all levels at the organisation and different work experience backgrounds to add value within their area/team/personally

  • It helps you understand managing people, it helps you navigate difficult conversations, self-awareness and tools to use in everyday life